Installation instructions

There are few steps needed to be performed in order to be able to use the full functionality of the plug-in:
  1. To install the plug-in itself simply unpack into your Eclipse 3.0 installation directory. After this step you are able to generate and use in your Java projects web service client code.
  2. To use any UDDI related functionality you have to force the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) which is used by your Eclipse 3.0 installation to pickup XML parser other then Crimson (Xerces is preferred, because I haven't checked others). If you're curious why, see here. Doing so is rather simple procedure. After a standard installation of Java2 SDK there are two locations of JRE on your system. One with full Java2 SDK which is usually located under C:\j2sdk1.4.X_XX\jre directory) and the other one, usually located in C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.X_XX folder. Eclipse, by default chooses the second one. Now you just have to (in case of Xerces) copy two files: xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar to subdirectory lib\endorsed of a chosen (if unsure do it for both) JRE home directory.
  3. To experiment with creating your own Web Services you need to install Tomcat 5.0 server on your system and install Axis on Tomcat. Please refer to installation notes of above programs.
Configuring Axis and Tomcat to work with the Lavadora plug-in

To be able to automatically deploy your Web Services to Tomcat server, you need to have defined a user with roles of admin and manager. You do this by editing the file TOMCAT_HOME_DIR\conf\tomcat-users.xml. Structure of this file is simple enough to do it without any further explanation.

You also have to enable AxisAdmin service in order to successfully deploy and undeploy your Web Services. It's done by uncommenting  a part of the following file: AXIS_INSTALL_DIR\WEB-INF\web.xml, where AXIS_INSTALL_DIR is a directory under TOMCAT_HOME_DIR\webapps folder (read Axis installation instructions). If you just read the contents of the above web.xml file it should become clear to you which part of it should be uncommented (really).

There's one more thing to do, which is worth mentioning to save you some time. You may need (if you have fresh installations of Axis and Tomcat) to equip Tomcat with activation.jar library, without it Axis will not function properly. You should copy this file to your TOMCAT_HOME_DIR\common\lib directory.

If you have carefully followed these instructions you should be able to use Lavadora in its full potential. If something doesn't work, and you're sure you have done all the above properly, please let me know.

That's it

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